Wetheriggs is a small family run animal rescue charity first established in 2006. We take in injured and unwanted animals including domestic pets (excluding dogs and cats), farm animals and native wildlife. If we have the facilities suitable, we will take in any animal and give them a new home and a new chance at life.

We can usually take in injured or distressed wild animals at Wetheriggs, but if you ever find an animal you think needs help, stop and think first as bringing it in could be the worst thing you can do.
The first thing you need to do is call us or another rescue centre to get advice. We will be able to tell you the best course of action, whether that will be to leave the animal alone, bring it in or take it to a vet.
Please check the Contact Us Page for our latest opening hours.
The entrance fee helps to run the rescue centre. Visitors have the chance to get close and interact with our animals including feeding some of them. We also regularly have animal handling sessions with rabbits, guinea pigs, chicks, ferrets, snakes, lizards and more.
You can now book on our online ticketing system. Simply choose the day you would like to visit, the time and add the tickets for all the members of your family. You will also need to choose a time, this is only an arrival time, you are welcome to stay the whole day and can leave and come back at any time. We look forward to welcoming you on your visit!

There are many ways you can support us including donations of money or goods such as animal feed, cleaning equipment or items for our charity shop.
Membership is a great way to support us and you receive great benefits yourself. Starting from only £5 a month, membership gives you unlimited entry to the rescue centre.
Why not think about leaving Wetheriggs Animal Rescue a gift in your will. Legacies are a great way of supporting charities like ourselves as they provide us with security for the future of the rescue centre and all the animals we care for.