Ways To
Wetheriggs Animal Rescue is a registered UK charity (1131536) that depends on public support to run. There are many ways in which you can support our rescue work.
Visiting the centre and joining our membership programme are the best ways to support us but there are plenty of other ways you can also show your support.
Find out more below.
Become a Member
Join Friends of Wetheriggs for only £10 a month and get totally unlimited family entry into the centre as well as other great benefits.
Make a Donation
It's simple to donate and is a great way to support our rescue work here at Wetheriggs. We currently have over 1000 animals in our care needing our help.
Wetheriggs would not be possible without volunteers. If you have an interest in animals or just want to support us you can find out more here.
Volunteer with us
Leave a Legacy
A gift left in your will can make a huge different to our continued rescue and conservation work. It's easy to do and will help protect the future of Wetheriggs.

Do you have any items you think we could make use of? Please get in touch if you have anything you are thinking of donating, items we always need include:
Hay and straw
Wet dog/cat food
Dry feeds including rabbit, rat, mouse, ferret, hen corn, layers pellets etc
Fruit, vegetables or other food items
Feed/water bowls
Cleaning equipment (sponges, cloths, disinfectant etc)
Ropes/animal toys or other items we can use to enrich our animals.
Animal carry cases
hand and power tools
gardening tools and equipment (shovels, wheelbarrows, yard brushes etc)
Visit the Donate Goods page for a more detailed list of items we use.
We understand that not eveyone has excess donations lying around, and we appreciate that people like to see where their donations go and how you have helped the organisation. So we have made an Amazon wish list. Check out critical items we need to run Wetheriggs and buy them through your amazon account. You can either get them delivered straight to Wetheriggs or get them delivered to your house and hand deliver it to us personally, tell us your coming in and we'll pop the kettle on!

Wetheriggs Animal Rescue is a charity that depends on public support to run and look after all the animals. We receive no government funding to support the running of the centre, and with costs continually increasing we need your help.
Wetheriggs has been a last chance for many of the animals as they had nowhere else to go. Some of the animals have been abandoned or brought in because their owners no longer want to look after them. Others have been rescued from poor and cruel living conditions with many suffering from various health, stress or trust issues.
If you would like to show your support and give a donation you can do this easily online!
Gift Aid
When donating, please remember to add Gift Aid to allow us to receive an extra 25%. Adding Gift Aid does not cost anything. You must be a UK Tax Payer to add Gift Aid. Once you have donated through PayPal, please click the button below to fill in the Gift Aid Form. This allows us to claim 25% of your donation from the Government for no extra cost to you.

Family Membership
2 adults and up to 4 children can enjoy unlimited visits to Wetheriggs for only £10 a month or £120 annually.
Couples Membership
Only £7 a month or £84 annually for 2 adults to join Friends of Wetheriggs and visit the park whenever you want.
Individual Membership
Just £5 a month or £60 annually for a single adult membership
To join
To join Friends of Wetheriggs, click the membership button and submit the form.
Standing Order
Please click the button below to fill out your details online. This will be sent to our team who will issue you with a members card.
If you would like to pay with PayPal, this will need to be done annually click the button below and pay.
Please print out and complete the one-year membership form and post it back to us along with your cheque made out to Wetheriggs Animal Rescue Centre.